Friday, May 13, 2011

Danger, Danger Will Robinson!

By Sarah Dewitt

After battling my weight for most of my life you would think I would have this battle down to a science, right? Well, no. Obviously if I had it down to a science I would no longer be in the battle. As I continue to feel great and enjoy making and eating healthy food choices like I never have before, I'm acquiring a list of "red light" foods that just don't play well with me, or more likely, I don't play well with them.

My son's Dairy Queen death by chocolate ice cream cake is first on my list. I had a nice big piece and it was heaven...and then another sliver and another sliver...until I slammed the lid on it and shoved it in the freezer...with a stomach ache! It was at that point I had an ahuh moment when I realized there are some foods that when I finish eating it, I just want more and more. The next day, now wiser that this food is a trigger for me, went a little better. I had another piece of ice cream cake, but this one was a 1 inch sliver, I ate it, enjoyed it and was happy with that.

I did the same thing with brownies, chocolate chunk, still warm from the oven, nice big brownie and then right back into the kitchen for another one...which I hid in the kitchen to eat. Same pattern, I did better the second day with a modest piece and content with that.

We all need to treat ourselves and eat things we love. One big diet sabotage for me is to feel deprived of something or to feel hungry. I've got the hunger thing in control, I've just got to keep an eye on those red light foods that give me temporary insanity. At the end of the day, it's OK, forgive yourself and move on. Tomorrow is another day!


Monday, May 9, 2011

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

By Sarah Dewitt

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way....
~Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities

I hit a new milestone in my weight loss this morning, one that I have been anticipating for many months. It felt amazing to see a number on the scale, that quite frankly, I can't tell you the last time I saw. I think it was when I was pregnant with my second son, 15 years ago.

It dawned on me just how high the highs of weight loss are...and just how low the lows of weight gain are, when you are battling your weight. I have seen my share of lows, decades of them, and they are definitely the worst of times when you can't seem to make the scale move anywhere but up.

I think I just might have found my magic bullet that is the perfect fit for my mom on the run life. It's easy, fills me up, quiets my cravings for all things sweet and just seems to give me a sense of control. Maybe that is why ViSalus is really working for me, it has sat me in the driver's seat of my runaway train. I think I might have turned this train around and am settled for the long journey home.


Friday, May 6, 2011

It's not what you eat, it's what you don't eat that makes a difference

By Becky Comeau

How it’s Going, Week 7
At the risk of sounding like a snake oil salesman or carnival barker, I want to let you know what’s happening with me and ViSalus meal replacements.   First of all, let me acknowledge that I fought it for a couple of months while I watched my sister Sarah have success.   She’s a skeptic (to say the least) so I figured I’d see what was happening with her FIRST.   What happened with her was slow and gradual weight loss and eating control.  Then all of a sudden, it seemed like someone flipped a switch in her and she was oozing confidence, optimism, and shedding pounds and inches.   She became the incredible shrinking woman while I was wallowing in my size 16s and irritability that the ^%&()T## pounds had crept back on AGAIN.
I also felt like crap most of the time and couldn’t get out of my own way, never mind out the door to walk or swim.  I was dragging myself out of bed every morning and longing for the second I could get back in it.   Sarah, who IS NOT a carnival barker suggested I try ViSalus for the health benefits “Mom said you are dragging all the time”.   I agreed  -I was on a cycle to nowhere and size 18 jeans. 
So I signed on and signed up for a one month “trial” and when the first bags came I figured I had bought into a hoax because it looked exactly like the others powders and potions I have bought at Sams and everywhere else.  Besides, by this time others had told me that so-and-so had tried it and it didn’t work, or they GAINED  weight or it’s too expensive.
But I was determined to give it an HONEST try and two weeks in, I discovered what Sarah was experiencing was true for me as well, appetite  and eating control without starvation.   Moreover, the darn stuff seemed to reset my appestat (like thermostat).  I was not at all interested in junk food or carbs, and I could walk right past the food that normally ambushed me.  I was starting to think this might actually work.   A month in I was down 8 pounds and feeling rather enthusiastic.   I was now craving healthy foods (WHAT!!!) and eating smarter than I ever had in my whole life, and by choice, not by guilt.
Five weeks in and I’m waking up at 5am and out the door for a walk before getting ready for work.   I was staying up later at night buzzing around the house, I got back into Zumba 2-3 times a week and swam every chance I could.  I have energy, better mood control (hope is a powerful drug)  and that slow, gradual weight loss. 
I’m now at seven weeks and the weight loss is obvious.  I’m down 13 pounds and my size 16s are almost ready for The Salvation Army clothing collection.  My skin is softer and my face is smaller.   I went to the grocery store and spend $8.00 this week.  Carrots, zucchini, Almond milk, chicken, and eggs.    I now have referred three friends who want the same results, so now my Visalus is free.   As that line in the movie goes “if this is torture, chain me to the wall”. 
Does this sound like a sales pitch?  Is is!!!    But take note, it is not magic and it is not snake oil, it is a meal replacement that will work just as hard as you do but not one bit more.  If you are committed (or desperate) enough to honestly make the necessary changes and modifications and apply some self-control, it just might work for you too.   Are there other ways?  Of course!    Just find a plan that you can live with and stick with and remember my new mantra “it’s not what you eat, it’s what you DON’T eat that makes the difference. 
Stay tuned for the next blog post –“Why am I fat?”